the rfar charter

We are proud to announce that NXTEO has recently signed the Charter for Responsible Supplier Relations, an initiative promoted by the Business Ombudsman of the Ministry of the Economy, Finance and Recovery. As a signatory of this charter, we are firmly committed to promoting ethical and responsible practices in our relations with our suppliers. This reflects our desire to foster sustainable partnerships based on transparency, mutual respect and fairness. At NXTEO, we believe in the importance of creating a healthy business ecosystem where all stakeholders can prosper in a fair and responsible manner.


The 10 commitments of the Supplier Relations and Responsible Purchasing (RFAR in french) Charter  :

-Ensure a financially responsible relationship with suppliers

-Maintain a respectful relationship with all suppliers, favouring the development of collaborative relationships

-Identify and manage situations of mutual dependence with suppliers

-Involve signatory organisations in their supply chain

-Assess all the costs and impacts of the life cycle

-Integrate environmental and social responsibility issues

-Ensuring that its organisation is territorially responsible

-The professionalism and ethics of the purchasing function

-A purchasing function responsible for overall management of supplier relations

-A ‘supplier relations’ mediator, responsible for smoothing relations both inside and outside the company